Sunday, July 12, 2009

Street Kings (2008)

You'd know "Street Kings" as pure James Ellroy grit even if his name weren't plastered all over the promotional material for this 2008 Keanu Reeves action/drama. But, it's no "L.A. Confidential" or "American Tabloid." Rather, it's leftovers reheated in the microwave on Quick Cook.

The gist: Out of control vice cop Tom Ludlow (Reeves) finds himself up to his nostrils in a pool of fetid corruption, murder and rage. After an ex-partner that Ludlow has eyes set on beating into a pulp is murdered before his eyes by two thugs at a grocery, our hero seeks justice.

A good deal of the dialogue is pure Ellroy, including racial barbs and hilarious put downs ("Wash your mouth out with buck shot!"). Yet, as it continues, the film becomes standard. Ellroy and fellow writers Jamie Moss and Kurt Wimmer offer up all-too-familiar retreats: vengeful cop with a good heart, women as saints, the rookie, power mad police, etc. With a strutting, hyped-up-over-the-top Forrest Whitaker as Ludow's commander, there's no doubt about the outcome.

Reeves never taps into the ballistic rage effortlessly held by Russell Crowe in "L.A. Confidential." With Jay Mohr as a fellow detective with a used car salesman's mustache plastered on his face and a neon sign on his forehead blinking, "I'm bad!" So's the film. C

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