Sunday, May 29, 2011

Unstoppable (2010)

“Unstoppable” describes the runaway freight train, stacked with toxins and untold gallons of fuel, at the heart of this nail-bitter thriller from Tony “Top Gun” Scott. It is wildly entertaining, flat out fun, and focuses on regular guys. Men you would find at the diner at 5 a.m., wolfing down breakfast before work. The two leads are Denzel Washington and Chris Pine. For once, Scott’s roving, bouncing camera serves a purpose as the out-of-control train barrels down rail tracks, smashing through horse trailers and the egos of the know-it-all execs at the freight company. Enter Washington’s engineer, thisclose to forced retirement, and Pine, a young conductor out on his – naturally – maiden voyage. Washington reels in his charisma, yet owns the film. Pine still plays the smart ass hero card he did in 2009’s “Star Trek” reboot. Wildly smart editing, a sound design to die for, and spot-on special effects keep this film on track. I hated the constant Fox News corporate synergy, but I’d gladly take this ride again. B+

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